What have been the Impacts of China’s One Child Policy?

Researchers found some of the important cons and pros of this Chinese one-child policy. The cons of this one-child policy are it is linked with numerous issues like dissatisfaction of individuals towards the government, increased crime, and unbalanced sex ratio.

Moreover, the short-term impacts were focused mainly on current economic studies, while the lagged or long-term impacts were understudied substantially. Thereby statements related to suggestions and consequences for designs of the one-child policy are still absent.

Lastly, no valid evidence has been found whether human capital gathered through the conventional trade-off or quality-quantity channel has been contributed to by the one-child policy.

On the other hand, the pros of this one-child policy involved some unintended outcomes including higher reported rates of Han-minority marriages and twin births. Moreover, attempts of having additional children were made by the households without breaking the law under this one-child policy.

In addition, population growth was curbed significantly by the one-child policy, although there was no consensus related to the magnitude. Along with this, for local leaders promotion incentives were linked with restrictions on the implementation of policy.

Natural variation was exploited by researchers, due to huge variation in how the policy was implemented across ethnicities and regions.   

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