Social Issues

Please view our sample essays on social issues in this category.

Essay: The Cohabitation Revolution in the United States

Sample Essay The Cohabitation Revolution in the United States Cohabitation Revolution in the United States is increasingly becoming the norm in today’s relationships. It is a phenomenon where partners live together and do everything together without a prior marriage arrangement (Manning & Smock, 2009). This phenomenon is what Manning and Smock (2009) refer to as

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Essay: The relationship between symbolic play and language

Sample Essay Fein (1981) documented well the research on the relationship between dramatic play and language in early childhood. Pelligrini (1985 p.108) defines dramatic play as the behaviors that children use to transform the identities of actions, people, and objects. The play has been linked to an increase in children’s vocabulary (Levy, Wolfgang & Koorland

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Essay: The nature of sociological theories

Sample Essay Nature of sociological theories of criminology explains crime causation in terms of the social environment family, school, community, workplace, peer group, and society. There are three major sociological theories of crime and delinquency which are strain, social learning, and control theories that offer explanations of criminal activities and criminals from a sociological perspective.

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Essay: The purpose of the social initiative

Sample Essay The indicated purpose of the social initiative was to develop a defined social construct with a cohesive outcome based on the comprehensive contribution of each individual within the culture of the decision-makers and policy developers. The established, counterproductive culture of the social initiative contrasting “irrational” processes” and its established, counterproductive culture consequentially elicited

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Essay: The Importance of Cultural Awareness

Sample Essay The importance of cultural awareness derives its usefulness in the various cross-cultural researches that have made it possible to the abandonment of the culturally insensitive attitudes and behaviors resulting from misguided beliefs or ignorance in the international HRM field. Sparrow (2004), states that culturally insensitive behaviors and attitudes originating from human resources managers’

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