Research Paper on Organisational Ambidexterity

What is an ambidextrous organization?

For many years, the concept of ambidexterity has become an object of intensive research attention, providing rich explanations about how businesses deal concurrently with two conflicting circumstances.

Organizational ambidexterity is  an expansion of ambidexterity in strategic management science. It often represents the tension or disagreement of strategic activities of organisations confronting restricted capital, such as the desire to implement policies of exploitative and explorative creativity.It helps organisations to take advantage of existing technologies, while not neglecting attempts to build new capabilities at the same time.

Studies also indicated that organisational ambidexterity is related to longer longevity, greater financial results, and increased learning and creativity, taking into account the difficulties in the management of ambidexterity. Ambidexterity is a challenging management problem, since these dynamic designs are synonymous with persistent competitive advantages when executed in the required strategic contexts.

Example of organisational ambidexterity

Amazon is a perfect example of ambidextrous organisations of the modern era. Always looking for the most creative business concepts, it aims to meet the needs of consumers before individuals know they need them. A well-established tradition of creativity, interest, and bias for intervention fuels this approach.

Amazon has also proved itself to be a promoter of productivity, complementing the innovative hand. For sheer reliability and standardisation, not only its logistics, but also its internal processes for scaling new market models are optimised. If a new strategy appears to be successful, it is easily adopted, formally designed, documented and aligned to deliver maximum efficiency.

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