Research Paper on Medicare Program

Moreover, Medicaid would impact the medical billing by establishing various medical codes for the patients who must be incorporated into the medical billing software to ensure smooth billing of the patient after receiving treatment for a different health condition.

Hence it impacts the medical billing by establishing a medical code as a requirement that must be adhered to for the medical billing of an insured patient to be complete.

The Medicare program is typically available for those who are 65 years and above, people with end renal stage infection, and individuals with disability.

Those who are 65 years old and above, may automatically qualify for the Medicaid benefits when they are receiving social security disability insurance. SSDI is a social coverage plan that pays a monthly benefit to people who become disabled for reaching their retirement age thus incapacitating their ability to continue offering their labor.

For one to be eligible for the SSDI, it is required that the person must have worked for a certain number of years in the job where the person was being paid social security taxes. Moreover, it normally pays for the benefit to the beneficiaries along with some members of the insured beneficiaries.

Therefore, under the Medicare insurance plan, an elderly person of 65 years and above would only be eligible for this program if the elderly person is a beneficiary of the SSDI program.

Additionally, for an elderly person of 65 years and above to qualify for the full benefits of the Medicare program, it is required that the person and the spouse must have worked for long enough to be able to qualify for social security and railroad retirement benefits.

Similarly, for individuals to qualify for the Medicare benefits, the individuals must convince and show that they are patients of kidney transplant or kidney dialysis.

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