Essay: Knowledge is marked by gradual development

Sample Essay

All body of knowledge is marked by a gradual development hence leading to new form of knowledge. This development is in form of a thesis then an anti-thesis and finally a synthesis is achieved. Judaic-biblical and rabbinic tradition is a body of knowledge. Therefore, by logical implication, it can be inferred that Judaic-biblical and rabbinic tradition is marked by a gradual development hence leading to new form of knowledge.

This conclusion necessarily draws from the premises and with mathematical certainty. In deed, considering also the principles of epistemology, knowledge is never static but it is a dynamic enterprise; it develops from one generation to the other although new born knowledge builds on the historical knowledge. In this light seekers of truth cannot generate truth or knowledge if they do not base their findings on the past knowledge. It can be argued and justifiably so that knowledge does not build in a vacuum but rather it generates from the concrete experience. Although one may not generate knowledge immanently, one can acquire it by believing.

The experience of Moses atMount Sinaireflects the modalities of education and its procedures. In other words, it brings out the aspect of teacher-student relationship. Today, education is disseminated in two basic ways, for instance, oral and/or written. Consider of a student in the university together with the tutor; the tutor comes in the classroom and delivers a lecture where students take notes; here it can be noted that the tutor lectures verbally or orally. However, s/he may leave some notes behind for the students to read further. In most cases, the written documents left by the teacher are for future use whereas the oral teaching is short-term and for immediate purposes. It is indisputable that God is the best teacher as he understood well how to deliver his teachings to Moses.

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