Essay: Different Aspects in Life;Neo-conservatism

Sample Essay

As we dig deeper into the issue, an aspect like sex can be confusing putting in mind the balance we have talked about. The Roman Catholic may want to follow the directions according to their church doctrine (Foucault, 1980) and maybe some get in trouble because many catholic women may get pregnant yet the contraceptives are readily available, meaning that there is a conflict between the two. On the other side of the coin, the secular life permits contraceptives so that one maybe able to control the aspect of children number and spacing. A woman has to weigh the options wisely because in the end she is the one who will be pregnant or abort. In short one has to know how to balance different aspects in life so as to come up with a string of rules and regulations for guidance (Foucault 1980; Robert 1996; Bacevich 2007).

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