Essay: The social security act

Sample Essay

The court interpretation of the Social Security may provide some light on how the system is never near from being viable. It may appear that the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit favors the Social Security Act. However, the court affirms that the Social Security At should be interpreted liberally in favor of the claimants at the time of deciding on what counted as the covered wages for the need of achieving the quarters of the coverage prerequisite in making a worker qualify for the benefits. The courts interpretations therefore have it that the Social Security has the moral role in serving the men and women and save them from poverty (Haveman, et al, 2003).

The viability of the Social Security should only be realized with major changes in the entire system. The point of assuming that everything is fine does not hold and should be regarded as an enemy to development. A majority of advocates have proposed major changes in the system and have pointed out that a rapid action is needed since the Social Security is facing serious crisis. President Bush in 2005, during his State of the Union Speech noted that indeed the Social Security was facing bankruptcy or a major crisis. In his speech, Bush described the entitlement reform as a national challenge that would expose the subsequent congress to very hard choices (Olivia, Micth, 2005). These choices include the immense deficits, deep cuts in all the categories of spending and the staggering tax increases.

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