A TED talk is a video recording of a public-speaking presentation delivered at the main TED (technology, entertainment, and design) yearly event or one of its numerous satellite events across the world.
TED is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting ideas through short, impactful speeches known as “TED talks.”
The TED website makes TED speeches available under a Creative Commons free license. They’re also commonly featured on YouTube, Netflix, Facebook, and LinkedIn, among other social media and multimedia sites.
Richard Saul Wurman started the TED organization, and Harry Marks co-launched the TED conference in February 1984. The inaugural TED conference took place in 1984, and it has been conducted every year since 1990. TED conferences were originally focused on technology, design, and entertainment.
However, in recent years, TED has widened its scope to incorporate big ideas on a broader range of themes, including global concerns, business, education, and health.
Students majoring in Engineering, Physics, and Data Management should learn how to cite a TED Talk because it is one of the most common kinds of reference. Even yet, few pupils are familiar with this sort of material. Let’s go through the MLA and APA formats’ key guidelines and details.
MLA Citation for TED
Specifics will, in most cases, be determined by your source (website or YouTube). You will need the following for the website:
- Speaker’s surname (host)
- The name of the TED talk website.
- The month, as well as the year.
- This is the original URL.
If you are going for the TED website as a source or video services like YouTube or Vimeo, the citation guidelines will be different. You will need the following items:
- Name of the speaker
- The year and month in which the work was published.
- The title of the TED talk.
- The name of the website.
- URL.
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