Essay: The Model of Social Competence

Sample Essay – Social Competence

In recent years, several measures have been derived from diverse theoretical perspectives used in children’s social network functioning (Gresham and Macmillan,1997). Because of this, the domains that need to be measured, ways of measuring them, the relationship among various measures, and the constructs are continuing matters that are debatable in the research literature ion social competence in children(kaval and Forness,1996 Gresham and Macmillan, 1997 Vaughn and hanger,1994 Merrell and simple,1998).

The chapter also uses the social competence model proposed by Vaughn and Hanger (1994). They broadly conceptualized social competence, saying it is like a higher-order construct that, like intelligence, can not be easily measured.

With this view, they divided further social competence into four main components that are easier to access, and they also serve as an indirect measure of social competence. The four components that they came up with include ( 1) peer relations, (2) social skills, (3) behavior problems, and (4) social cognition.

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