Essay: The end of communism

Sample Essay

America is still the only remaining super power (Krauthammer 2).The end of communism does not mean the end of war threats and America is not actually an internationalist. Yes, some view United States as having a system of multi-polar but in reality it is a unipolar hence an opportunity to United States. For example, United States is in a position to ensure that 21st century is conducive to western and American values which are considered to be liberal by using its power in Mideast and asserting itself in Asia.

This is due to the fact that few states access the opportunity that United States has (being at pinnacle of power) but have the ability to set the stage for the coming politics (Joseph 5). United States undertakes an effort of reshaping the system in such a way that it benefits United States, bring freedom in the world, bring markets in the world and create a good future for humanity. Unipolarity was a fleeting condition as United States squandered its opportunity by over estimating its power and over reaching the world thus a hegemon. Looking at the prosperity of Western economies and material stagnation in Eastern bloc, the idea that United States had to act in securing democracy and liberalism becomes true thus United States becomes hegemon (Krauthammer 9).

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