Essay: The Gulf Cooperation Council

Sample Essay – Gulf Cooperation Council

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) was created to safeguard the interests of its member countries. Its members share similar governance and functions. In this paper, the author will conduct a study on the factors affecting the level of foreign goods and services in Kuwait. The research will be conducted in five parts, starting with an introductory background and ending with recommendations.

In the first chapter, the author shall provide a general overview of the countries making the Gulf Cooperation Council to account for the developments that have taken place in the GCC countries.

Consequently, the researcher shall continue to inquire on whether there is an overreliance on oil resources, in which some factors that feature prominently on the ground but whose acknowledgment is never taken to focus shall be mentioned.

In so doing, the author shall have provided a problem statement indicating the need to conduct research in this area, taking Kuwait as a case study. Consequently, the researcher shall provide the objectives of the study and the various questions that shall assist in the completion of the research. Generally, the main aim of the first chapter shall be to lay a strong background for the proceeding sections of the research.

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