
Please view our sample essays on psychology in this category.

Essay: Elements of schizophrenia

Sample Essay There are no physical elements of schizophrenia, as the person suffering from the disease does not have any physical deformities or symptoms; however it is possible for the patient to suffer from social withdrawal, not being comfortable around other people as well as becoming an introvert.

Essay: Anxiety disorders and its forms

Sample Essay Panic attacks are an important form of anxiety attacks. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, developing any four of the following symptoms, in less than 10 minutes and quite abruptly, together with worrying over these attacks and their consequences persistently (for over a month) is suggestive of panic disorder.

Essay: What is Cognition

Sample Essay Cognition is a complex of biological discoveries, behavioral theories and experimental discoveries. As such all its components have various models and hypotheses explaining the processes. Some components of cognition include memory, attention, and implicit and explicit functions. The effect of drugs to impair cognition has been researched extensively and all major substances of …

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Essay: Cognition and drug addiction

Sample Essay Social cognition is a field of cognitive neuroscience, which is a combination of neuroscience and cognitive psychology. It attempts to explain people’s attitudes, interactions, emotions, and self-control by looking at key components such as memory, attention, and implicit and explicit cognition. The theories behind these themes have roots in biological and psychological discoveries …

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