Sample Essay

From the above cases, it can be observed that law enforcers are faced with the dilemma of whether to deny domestic terrorists their Miranda rights or not. However, there is no confusion in the underlying importance of national security and the wellbeing of American citizens. Faced with such a dilemma, the interests in favor of saving lives and ensuring national security outweighs the necessity for administering Miranda rights to domestic terrorists. The role of intelligence should not be underestimated under any circumstances and should consequently be favored over law enforcement when dealing with domestic terrorists and their Miranda rights.

In essence, if statements obtained from such terrorists without the administration of Miranda rights are admissibly limited it does not mean that when such international terrorists like Osama bin Laden are captured they would be read the rights. This further illustrates the impracticality of these rights in similar domestic terrorism situations. In fact, when public safety is under threat the provisions of these rights bear a particular exception. This exception allows for law enforcers to use information gathered from criminals without having administered them Miranda rights.

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