Essay: Limitation of the Study on eating disorders

Sample Essay

This is the central point of the research paper. In this perspective the studies on the eating disorders have been and are still limited by the following:

3.1 Respondentat’s

First and foremost is the fact that these researches have been intrinsically limited by the fact that participation in research is based upon participant’s response. Therefore most of the researches on the study might have been put to question (Franko, 2008, pp. 251). This is because respondents based factors influences the feedback and henceforth the reliability and validity of the research. Thus factors such as social and economic status, education, age, gender, race or ethnicity, religion and parental status such like education, occupation and economic status.

3.2 Researcher’s

Secondly, the limitations in the studies have resulted from the researcher’s perspective. In this regard, the researchers study sample selection predetermines the outcome which has been used as a basis for the study. For instance the most literature review available are based on the selected group findings then generalized to the entire women population (see appended documentation fig.1). Example is studies conducted to young adult women in Campus Universities with varied social cultural perspective to other social carders in the society. This is in terms of perception, attitudes and behavior.

3.3 Methodological and technical limitations

The methodological design that is used to measure construct of the eating disorders are quite lacking in some aspect to adequately give a reliable and valid measure of the construct. For instance the measure of the Body Dissatisfaction subscale, Drive for Thinness subscale and Contour Drawing Rating Scale.both relies on the co relational studies which are limited to the items and persons involved to their opinions (Franko, 2008, pp. 141). On the other hand the reliability co-efficiency of these scales ranges from 84 to 91 on average which is not accurate enough to be relied on.

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