Essay: Different Ideologies as a potential threat to Syria and Iran

Sample Essay

Ideology is refers to tactical approaches that a country or a group tactfully develop and believe in that to achieve its goals. Differences in these beliefs result in a very serious clash of ideas leading into a crisis( Ingebritsen, 2006, p. 53). In this regard, this phenomenon is likely to harm the alliance between Syria and Iran as they have very differing ideologies in regimes.

Syria’s pan-Arab nationalism or Baathism strictly contradicts Iranians Khomeini or Islamic revolution. Since the Syrian regime is regarded as secular while Iranian one is theocratic, the two systems of ideology are said to be incompatible. From these observations, Ingebritsen (2006, p.57) deduce that the alliance between the two is deemed to gradually weaken and eventually fall. Up to now, the alliance remains standing but it is presumably on a transient phase.

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