Essay: Comparison of children with and without ASD

Sample Essay

Bauminger et al. (2005) also compared children with and without ASD on social-cognitive processes associated with Crick and Dodge’s (1994) social information-processing model. Similar to Tur-Kaspa and Bryan (1994), Bauminger et al. (2005) found that children with ASD had more difficulty than those without disabilities encoding social cues and generating an ample number of solutions (although solutions that were generated were usually competent and similar to those of children without ASD). With respect to the response decision step of the model though, children with ASD produced fewer appropriate responses than those without ASD.

Unlike Tur-kaspa and Bryan (1994) these researchers examined whether the response decision of a child was in line with the social goals they identified in the clarification of goals step. In addition to naming fewer social goals, children with ASD were less likely to produce social goals congruent with their response decision. In sum, research on children with disabilities and in particular, children with these disabilities, suggests that these individuals have clear deficits in their ability to interpret and understand social information that they might be presented with during everyday interactions. These deficits appear to exist regardless of the modality in which the information is presented, the age of the child, and the presence of other problematic behaviors such as aggression. Therefore, In light of this theoretical support for social-cognitive deficits among children with ASD.

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