Essay: Awareness about Aids

Sample Essay

Education campaigns and telling people to use condoms is not enough to slow the infection. Specifically, some strategies that prevent infections include social conditions regarding HIV infections, other transmission possibilities, and prevention measures at home. This should come in partner with effective therapy open to various groups in the society. The awareness of infection is not enough to survive in epidemic air filled environment.  The excuse of education substitution no longer applies.  Moreover, limited resources cannot be an excuse by a World Health Organization in the developing country that came to help.    Furthermore, like how Farmer suggested, global AIDS research organizations, treatment ethics and professional medical practices have immediate impact on the spread of the epidemic.  As a result, the patients will no longer have to risk their lives when choosing between prevention and treatment.  More funds will be available from the pharmaceutical industries in order to support AIDS research and Vaccine development.  In respect to this, united medical services and research groups will receive funds as well and be able to perform ethical and proper medical care for everybody.

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