Essay: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Sample Essay

This assignment is based on a stage two student, (Student A) that has been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD can also be referred to as ADD described as a condition that is diagnosed and developed through childhood that can go on to affect adulthood. Millichap, (2010) refers to ADHD as a “neurobiological “syndrome” not a disease, with a known cause” (p.1). The American Psychiatric Association (1994) refers to it as a disorder characterized by inattentive, overly compulsive distracted behaviour in children and adults leading to over activity in their behaviour. This creates various complex challenges for the child, other students and the teacher within a learning environment. These challenges not only disturb the learning ability of the student but also highlight the importance of inclusive applications within the classroom environment to ensure inclusive teaching is implemented and adopted effectively for the diverse range of learners within the classroom.

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