Literature review of domestic violence

The literature reviewed in was done by searching most recent and relevant materials to the topic with an aim of uncovering whether or not the domestic violence incidences have increased over years. In this regard, using various databases I searched for literature with the key work “domestic violence in UK” and sampled the results that provided materials with quality content for the topic.

Domestic violence definitions vary in their inclusivity and have shifted over time. However, this definitional challenges help in selecting a more viable definition for domestic violence. In this respect, Edwards (2001) defines domestic violence as violence committed by men against women in past or current intimate relationships, which consist of constellation of controlling and abusive behaviours aiming at establishing or/and maintaining dominance and power. The incidences of domestic violence include acts of sexual and physical assaults, threats and intimidation, use of male privilege, minimisation and victim blaming, coercion, sexual objectification, humiliation and degradation, using children, and deprivation. Moreover, domestic violence has been defined to include scope of both sub-criminal and criminal acts that are believed to subordinate norms of certain universal cultures and infringe a wide range of universal human rights.  This is no different from UK government that defines domestic violence as “Any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse in form of financial, psychological, sexual, physical or emotional between persons who have been or are family members or intimate partners regardless of their sexuality or gender”

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