Sample Essay – Theory of management
According to the scientific theory of management, leaders always need to upgrade their skills constantly and change with their changing environment to ensure that proper planning and guidance are enhanced in the success of a given organization. In some cultural backgrounds, it is even unthinkable for women folk to carry out certain tasks that are perceived to be preserved for the men (Bickel, 2004; Pollit, 2005, pp.36-39).
However, Carlyle (1984) argues that leadership does not directly depend on an individual’s gender. Rather, it depends on one’s capabilities to perform a given assigned task.
Skills required to perform a given task are thus crucial in ensuring the success of a given leader (Aalberg & Jenssen, 2000, pp.17-32). However, women’s leadership sometimes also depends on the profession and industry one depends on (Guston & Sarewitz, 2002; Toor & Ofori, 2009, pp.533–547).
The different definitions of leadership sometimes demand a lot of energy to actively manage a given team (Falk & Kenski, 2003; Vroom & Jago, 1988). The delicate balance of women and leadership thus needs a proper understanding of many cultural backgrounds, organizational cultures, religions and ethical perspectives (Hemphill, 1999).
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